Thursday, February 11, 2010

Setting This Up

Why hello there! This doohickey appears to be my travel blog. Ah, yes, for those uninformed in the Life 'o Willie, I am headed to Germany for an exchange program with Cal Poly. I'm studying in Munich, but hope to do lots of traveling before, during, and after my school semester.

So this is how its going to work (I think):

I'm going to post my mumblings on here when inspiration hits.

Now if you are really committed, you can email me and I'll make sure you get an email every time I have a new post. I'm not really sure how often these will be, but I'm going to guess biweekly (Strangely enough, biweekly means both "twice a week" and "once every two weeks." I mean it in the fortnight sense.) Apparently you can become my "follower" or "subscriber" as well, but those things confuse me. Anyway, email me if you'd like to get in on that list.

Right on. Next order of business. Pictures. Indeed. I'll attempt to add a few cool pictures to this blog, but if you think you can handle the full pictorial experience, head on over to my Picasa Web Album thang.

It's at

That will have all the pictures I deem worthy of the internet (and the internet has quite low standards, so there will be many). My inner geek loves it, you can do cool stuff like view the pictures on a map, based on where they were taken. Saweeet.

Excellent. I'm leaving on February 23rd, so expect some premium photographs and prose (and poetry?) around then.

Ta ta for now.